Sample Thank You Letter

Scholarship donors and representatives enjoy receiving letters from students who benefit from their scholarships.  Included below is some information that will help you write a thank you letter to your scholarship donor/representative.

Thank You Letter Guidelines:

  1. Your letter must be typed and sent electronically to in a Microsoft WORD format no later than Monday, April 17th.
  2. Once you have submitted your letter, the Director of Development and Alumni Relations will proofread your final draft for spelling and grammatical errors.  Your scholarship donor’s impression of you will be impacted by any spelling or grammatical errors contained in the letter.
  3. We will enter the name of the donor into your letter and print it for you.  For some schoalrships there may be more than one donor in which case you will have multiple letters to sign.
  4. All letters will be ready to be signed by Monday, May 1st in the FCFC Main Office and must be signed by Friday, May 5th along with your letter of acceptance.

 Sample Letter Format

Sample thank you letter

Thank You Letter Processing:

The W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation will send your letter to your scholarship donor/representative.  You do not need to provide an envelope or stamp.

(PDF Version)